Friday, October 2, 2009

Where are all the blogs?

I know, we know, you are waiting for more frequent blogs. We still have to finish up on our Canada visit (after 2 months -- whew) and add in a bit about our weekend on the dhow in Oman.

Since coming back to MZ, we've been slightly busy and/or tired. Taking off to the Maldives and Oman has pushed our blogging back a bit, but so has painting the bedroom, getting new furniture, returning to work (with a much bigger workload) and so on.

A few days ago, Jakob tore one of his claws out and that's meant a bit of drama here, what with getting him to the vet's - two hours away, thanks to Paul who took him in for us - and changing his bandage (I think changing a cat's paw bandage should be a challenge on a reality show). He's fine now, but we still need to be careful with him. He's repaid our kindness, of course, by keeping us awake all night with excessive bandage licking....

And so, we promise, the next week will see the posting of all the remaining Canada blogs, as well as an update on the Oman trip, and maybe a bit more about our life here in MZ.

Thanks for continuing to read, and please check back next week!


  1. You guys need the Cat Whisperer.

  2. Yes! He's a freak!

  3. Try putting some lemon juice on the outside of Jakob's bandage. Pussycats hate the smell/taste of citrus, and he will no longer go after his boo-boo. (Ten days till I call and sing to you!!!)

  4. Hey - that's exactly what I did - all the vet websites were talking about Bitter Apple Spray and whatever. I had a cut lemon out for our vodka tonics, and just grabbed a bit and wiped it lightly over the whole bandage. I think the added bonus is that lemon juice also disinfects.

  5. After many cats, fish, rodents and a dog... I am firmly convinced that my son's snake is the best pet ever invented. He doesn't need to go in,out,in,out or to the vet for shots. He never meows, barks, pees in anyone's shoes, or scratches furniture. He doesn't try to trip me on the stairs every morning and if anyone comes over and says "oh, I'm allergic snakes" he doesn't spent the next 3 hours rubbing up against them or licking his **** in the middle of the livingroom. We feed him once a week or so and he sheds once every few months. Perfect.
