Saturday, March 14, 2009

My abaya

Last week in Dubai, I finally found an abaya that was exactly what I wanted.... long, flowy, open at the bottom (to show off my awesome colourful skirts), light enough that I won't die of heat stroke in the summer, but opaque enough that I can probably just wear a t-shirt underneath, long sleeves past my wrists (and wrist tattoo), and a bit of understated black-on-black bling on the cuffs and hem.

The ladies here walk gracefully, abayas flowing around their feet. Headscarves are flicked up, tucked in, and readjusted constantly in one fluid motion. Their abayas are worn extra long, in the UAE fashion, so that they seem to glide, fabric trailing behind them.

I can barely walk up the stairs without tripping over my hem, and actually got the end of my abaya so caught up in the wheel of my office chair that I almost choked myself when I stood up. I've shut it in a car door, and don't even ask me how I managed to negotiate a bathroom stall! I've had to stop myself from tipping over backwards (take a step back, hit the hem, get foot tangled, try not to over-balance, arms flailing as all the snaps come undone...) about 12 times a day.

Still, I do love wearing it. I feel like some kind of witch-princess in a flowy cape, scarves trailing behind me, and strong Arabic scent (also bought in Dubai) perfuming the air around me.... until I hit a flight of stairs, or a dreaded office chair, and turn back into the true klutz that I am.....


  1. Aaahh, Virginia. I think that gracelessness is a true Libran trait. As you know, I can trip over a painted line. When Dave and I come to visit, I'm just wearing long sleeves and a Hijab. No sense tempting fate. A truly good friend would e-mail me with a good time to call. Keep in mind that I'm always up at ungodly hours of the morning...or as you would say "at stupid o'clock".

  2. As usual you have me in hysterics picturing this. What a beautiful love/fear relationship
    I do believe that this post deserves a picture...don't you think?

  3. I agree with the picture request!!

    I miss you so SO much!

  4. Hahahaha - I'll wear a burqa too and make it worth your while. Should I show a photo of me falling down a flight of stairs or dragging my office chair, attached by a scarf, behind me?



  5. Hi Its MOM Do not, I repeat DO NOT go on escalators Love MOM

  6. I'll try to get a good picture of V in the Abaya and stick it up for all to see, obviously after Her Wrappedupness approves it :)

